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HH# Last Name First Name Age Gender Race Occupation Birth Cmt. Real Est. Pers. Est.
Robertson Frank 28 M B Servant MS
97-87 Belino Mary 41 F W Keeping house France 500
Belino Mary L. 21 F W At home MS
Belino Jane V. 18 F W At home LA
Belino Theresia 15 F W Going to school MS
98-88 Gige John 70 M W Oysterman Spain
Gige Catharine 57 F W Keeping house ZEain
99-89 Vincent William 70 M W Merchant VA 30000 700
Vincent George 23 M W Dry goods store LA 8000
Vincent William 7 M W LA
Nelson Rachel 65 F B Servant VA
Nelson Albert 28 M B Servant LA
100-90 Meadows Charles 51 M W Boarding house England 8000 400
Meadows Caroline 36 F W Keeping house N.Y. 4000
Meadows Charles 16 M W Going to school MS
Meadows Matilda 5 F W MS
Meadows Katie 2 F W MS
Meadows Mary 0.06 F W MS
Giles John P. 33 M W Clerk VA 3000
Stewart James 59 M W Ret. From business MS 33000 8000
Ambrose Joseph 26 M M Servant LA 100
Smith Edward 27 M M Servant MS
Holden Hardy 21 M B Servant KY
Truman Rebecca 24 F B Servant KY
Telles Eliza 26 F B Servant LA
Langford Wiley 60 F B GA
102-91 Ryder Ann 49 F W Boarding house MS 150
Ryder Mary L. 22 F W At home MS 150
Ryder Paul 15 M W At home MS
Guy Marian 42 F W Servant Ireland 500
Guy Eugene 22 M W Seaman MS
Guy Mary 12 F W Going to school MS
103-92 Pradat Louis E. 50 M W County sheriff LA 3000
Pradat Caroline 44 F W Keeping house MS
Pradat Augustine 18 F W At home MS
Pradat Louis 23 M W At home MS
Pradat Lilly 16 F W At home MS
Pradat Alice 10 F W Going to school MS
Pradat William 4 M W MS
104-93 Farrell Anna 53 F W School teacher Ireland
Farrell Robert 24 M W Carpenter Penn.
Farrell Percy 21 M W At home LA
Farrell George 19 M W At home LA
Farrell Anna 20 F W At home Ireland
105-94 Bailiff William 65 M W Ret. From business N.C. 4000
Bailiff Anna E. 47 F W Keeping house GA
McCain William 39 M W Physician Tenn.
McCain Maria 11 F W Ark
McCain Georgianna 10 F W LA
McCain James 15 M M Servant ARK
107-95 Foree Manuel 32 M W Oysterman Spain
Foree Margaret 28 F W Keeping house MS
Foree Theresia 6 F W LA
Foree Frank 3 M W MS
Latin John 50 M W Fisherman Italy
108-96 Burton Richard 27 M W Retail liquor ARK 300
Burton Ryencia 25 F W Keeping house AL
Burton William 1 M W LA
109-97 Brill John 67 M W Druggist Penn. 5000 500
Brill Margaret 63 F W Keeping house Penn.
Brill Samuel 31 M W Printer MS
Brill John 22 M W Medical student MS
Brill Paul 20 M W Clerk MS
Walloo Matilda 16 F W Servant MS
110-98 McNeil Gilbert 23 M W Clerk LA
111-99 Christoff George 70 M W Fruit stand Austria
112-100 Mason John 48 M W Oysterman England 300
Mason Latetia 35 F W Keeping house Ireland
Mason Mary 14 F W Going to school LA
Beard William 30 M W Laborer Ireland
McConway Peter 27 M W Seaman Isle of Main
113-101 Champlin W. H. 61 M W Lawyer Conn. 10000 2000
Champlin Margaret 60 F W Keeping house England 2000
Champlin George 19 M W At home MS
Henderson E. 37 M W Lawyer MS 25000 5000
Huddleston Thomas 80 M B Servant VA
114-102 Lacy Richard 34 M W Hackman England 600
115-103 Curtis Patrick 35 M W Retail grocer Ireland 4000 1000
Curtis Ellen 33 F W Keeping house Ireland
Curtis Mary 15 F W Going to school MS
Curtis John 13 M W Going to school MS
Curtis Johanna 10 F W Going to school MS
Curtis James 8 M W Going to school MS
Curtis Elizabeth 5 F W LA
Curtis Lena 3 F W MS
Curtis Anna 06/12/2019 F W MS
Lotta Maria 38 F W Keeping house LA 200
118-105 Angel Henry 32 M W Blacksmith Wertenburg 500
Philip Minerva 27 F M Servant LA
Angelo Albert 70 M W Seaman Italy
Leonard William 22 M W B!acksmith apprentice Scotland
119-106 Mitchell William 64 M W Plaster Ireland 1000
Mitchell Mary 50 F W Keeping house Ireland
Mitchell Ellen 3 F W MS
Sonial Davis 32 M W Cotton Samples LA
Sonial Rebecca 20 F W Keeping house AL
120-107 Farrell Bridget 44 F W Keeping house Ireland
Farrell Bridget 16 F W At home MS
Farrell James 9 M W Going to school MS
Farrell Louise 7 F W MS
Williams Elizabeth 33 F W SC
Williams Ella 11 F W Going to school MS
Williams William 1 M W MS
121-108 Lizana Joseph 40 M W Carpenter MS 500
Lizana Theresia 40 F W Keeping house MS
Lizana Aleede 19 M W At home MS
Lizana Raymond 9 M W Going to school MS
Lizana Eliza 16 F W Going to school MS
Lizana Victoria F W Going to school MS
Lizana Lucy 7 F W Going to school MS
Lizana Anthony 3 M W MS
122-109 Cooper Geoge 55 M B Laborer MS
Cooper Marla 36 F B Keeping house MS 200
Nurse George 22 M M Laborer MS
Josephs Pauline 18 F M At home MS
Josephs Ranna 12 F M Going to school MS
Hutchens Eliza 53 F B MD
Peterson Louis 1 M M MS
123-110 Marshal John 68 M B Laborer SC 1000
Marshal Matilda 35 F B Keeping house SC
Adams Samuel 30 M B R. R. Laborer MS
Adams Missouri 23 F M At home LA
Adams Eliza 2 F M MS
Marshal George 20 M B R. R. Laborer MS
Marshal Rester 19 F B MS
Marshal Margaret 2 F B MS
Marshal Jack 22 M B R. R. Laborer MS
124-111 Randolph William 22 M B R. R. Laborer MS
Randolph Julia 30 F B Keeping house VA
Randolph Jessee 15 M B Going to school MS
Randolph Louis 11 M B MS
Randolph P. 10 M B MS
125-112 Barnes Louis 28 M M R. R. Laborer MS 200
Barnes Myra 20 F B Keeping house MS
Barnes Julia 2 F B MS
Barnes Louis 0.03 M B MS
George John 16 M B R. R. Laborer MS
126-113 Manuel Joseph 22 M M R. R. Laborer MS 100
Manuel Mury 18 F M Keeping house MS
Manuel John 2 M M MS
Manuel Thomas 23 M M R. R. Laborer MS 100
Manuel Ameli 20 F M MS
Adams Benjamin 5 M M MS
Manuel Peter 18 M M Laborer MS
127-114 Butcher John 63 M B Laborer D.C. 250
Butcher Mary 41 F B Keeping house VA
Butcher Eliza 14 F B At home MS
Butcher Laura 13 F B At home MS
Butcher Fanny 5 F B MS
Butcher Joseph 3 M B MS
Butcher Maria 1 F B MS
Gant Charles 2 M M MS
128-115 Osborn Alfier 50 M M Servant Tenn. 400
Osborn Lena 35 F M Keeping house VA
Osborn Alfier 14 M M At home MS
Osborn Maria 13 F M Going to school LA
Cook Jane 56 F M At home Tenn.
McCray Lavenia 11 F M Going to school LA
Osborn Anges 88 F B VA
129-116 Larkin John 35 M W Laborer Canada 600
Larkin Mary 35 F W Keeping house Ireland
Larkin John 15 M W At home LA
130-117 Saucier Vener 30 M M Saw mill hand MS
Saucier Laura 30 F M Keeping house MS
Saucier Madeline 16 F M At home MS
Saucier Virier 10 M M At home MS
Saucier Mary 8 F M At home MS
Saucier Louis 7 M M At home MS
Saucier Charles 5 M M At home MS
131-118 Marquerich Joseph 47 M W Fisherman Dalmatier 500
Marquerich Mary 40 F W Keeping House Ireland
Marquerich Ellen 3 F W MS
Burno John 28 M W Foreman R.R. NY
132-119 Jones Wiley 33 M B Brick mason GA
Jones Maria 27 F M Keeping house SC
Jones Sarah 9 F M Going to school MS
James David 33 M B Laborer MD
133-120 Ryan Mary 39 F W Keeping house Ireland 400
Ryan Rosanna 16 F W Going to school NY
Ryan Charles A. 12 M W Going to school NY
Franklin Benjamin 51 M B Laborer VA
Franklin Pauline 19 F B At home LA
134-121 Raymond Nancy 50 F M Keeping house VA
Raymond Kitty 19 F M At home MS
Raymond Lorain 16 M M At home MS
Raymond Harry 13 M M At home MS
Wicks Ruben 28 M M Drayman FL
Wicks Francis 3 F M MS
Wicks Eliza 1 F M LA
135-122 Washington Garston 44 M B Cook FL
Washington Volisha 30 F B Keeping house AL
Washington Richard 14 M B At home AL
Washington Francis 10 F B At home AL
Washington Amanda 9 F B At home AL
Washington Jackson 5 M B At home AL
Washington Sheridan 2 M B At home AL
Brown Judy 84 F B At home VA
Anderson Palsey 40 F B At home VA
136-123 Paco Jackson 24 M B R. R. Laborer MS
Paco Martha 23 F B MS
Avery William 10 M B MS
Avery ldella 4 F B MS
Avery Eleonmora 2 F B MS
Avery Susan 0.5 F B MS
137-124 Burr Mary 40 F W Keeping house Conn 800
Burr Angeline 24 F W At home AL
Burr Samuel 14 M W At home FL
Burr Ella L. 4 F W At home FL
138-125 Cadro Daniel 55 M M Laborer FL 200
Cadro Ellen 25 F M Keeping house MS
Cadro Sarah 6 F M MS
Cadro Abraham 5 M M MS
Cadro Louis 4 M M MS
Cadro Emma 3 F M MS
140-126 Brown Thomas 44 M W Laborer MS
Brown Angelina 39 F W Keeping house MS
Brown Alice 19 F W At home MS
Brown Melissee 11 F W Going to school MS
Brown John 7 M W MS
-127 Creel Mary 25 F W Keeping house MS
Creel Francis 8 F W MS
Creel Laura 0.1 F W MS
Levy lssac 44 M W Peddler Ger.
Levy Martha 38 F W Keeping house MS
Rauel Jones 14 M W MS
Rauel Joseph 10 M W MS
Rauel Marian 7 F W MS
141-128 Musie Joseph 50 M W Oysterman Austria 900
Musie Katie 30 F W Keeping house Ireland
Musie Florence 9 F W Going to school LA
Musie Josephine 7 F W Going to school LA
Musie Maggie 6 F W LA
Musie Daisy 1 F W MS
142-129 Farrell Martin 27 M W Laborer Ireland 500
Farrell Ellen 25 F W Keeping house Ireland
Farrell Mary 1 F W MS
143-130 Stewart Robert 48 M B Laborer MS
Stewart Hanna 45 F B Keeping house AL
Stewart Thomas 22 M B R. R. Laborer MS
Field Chester 25 M B R. R. Laborer AL
Field Candis 23 F B At home MS
Field Harriet 9 F M Going to school MS
Field Joseph 7 M M Going to school MS
Field William 4 M M MS
Field Madison 1 M M MS
Johns Sarah 52 F B MS
Steward Henry 24 M M R. R. Laborer MS
Steward Bersy 18 F M At home MS
Steward Frank 18 M M R. R. Laborer MS
144-131 Jackson Peter 23 M B Seaman MS
Jackson Martha 21 F B Keeping house MS
Jackson Henry 3 M B MS
Hollins Benjamin 22 M B Laborer MS
Bonel John 5 M W MS
Wicks Tine 22 F M At home MS
145-132 Decoudroux Madline 50 F M Keeping house MS 3000
Decoudroux Emilie 28 F M At home MS
Decoudroux Louise 26 F M At home MS
Decoudroux Victor 23 M M At home MS
Decoudroux Joseph 13 M M Going to school MS
146-133 Gracies John 45 M W Retail Dry goods France 2000
Gracies Dosat 38 F W Keeping house France
Gracies Almar 12 M W Going to school LA
Gracies Rosa 8 F W Going to school LA
Gracies Avantine 4 M W LA
Terrell William 22 M W Chief clerk MS
147-184 Maxwell John 24 M W Retail liquor MS 400
Maxwell Anna 24 F W Keeping house ARK
Maxwell Hatty 3 F W MS
Maxwell Huddleston 64 M W Retired planter NC
148-135 Pecanter John 35 M W Retail liquor France 200
Pecanter Catharine 22 F W Keeping house France
Areas Dennis 23 M W Cook France
149-136 Straub Martin 51 M W Baker Baden 31000 600
Straub Rosalie 36 F W Keeping house France
Straub Katie 15 F W Going to school MS
Straub John 14 M W Going to school MS
Straub Eugenia 12 F W Going to school MS
Straub Louise 8 M W MS
Straub Mariah 6 F W MS
Straub Theresia 6 F W MS
Straub Rosalie 3 F W MS
Straub Martin 0.03 M W MS
Morris Marian 22 F M Servant MS
150-137 Afera Julius 37 M W Painter Ger.
Afera Catharine 38 F W Keeping house Ireland
Schotelo Peter 17 M W At home AL 600
151-138 Morgan Benjamin 56 M M Plaster MS 3000
Morgan Angelle 18 F M At home MS
Morgan Adella 15 F M At home MS
Bradley Lutitia 23 F M At home MS
-139 Saucier Paul 70 M M Gardner MS
Saucier Ellen 70 F M Keeping house MS
Morgan Thomas 7 M M MS
153-140 Shultz Lorant 60 M W Baker France 4000 300
Shultz Urane 45 F W Keeping house MS
Shultz Charles 22 M W Store keeper MS
Shultz Paul 19 M W At home MS
Silver Joseph 35 M W Baker France
154-141 Moore Michael 30 M W Laborer Ireland
Moore Elizabeth 22 F W Keeping house Ireland
Johnson Peter 36 M W Laborer Denmark
155-142 Breedlove Mary 45 F W Keeping house KY
Breedlove James W. 27 M W Lawyer LA 5000 500
Breedlove Stella 22 F W MS
Breedlove Andrew 25 M W Laborer LA 5000 200
Breedlove Hanna 10 F B Servant
156-143 Caperon Leon 31 M W Retail Dry goods France 1000
Calipat Anthony 19 M W Clerk Spain
157-144 Charlut Alfred 28 M W Watch maker France 500
Charlut Matilda 28 F W Keeping house France
158-145 Wild Catharine 25 F W Keeping house MS 1200
159-146 Scroff James 57 M W Fisherman France 800 500
Scroff Elizabeth 50 F W Keeping house England
Scroff Louis 14 M W Going to school MS
Scroff Tusene 12 F W Going to school MS
Scroff Virginia 8 F W MS
Cramer John 22 M W Fisherman Prussia
Mackentire George 29 M W Fisherman Hanover
Blunn Herman 20 M W Fisherman
160-147 Nelson John 50 M W Capt. Schooner Denmark 500 2000
Nelson Jane E. 35 F W Keeping house Ireland
Nelson Ada 17 F W At home MS
Nelson Ellen 14 F W Going to school MS
Nelson John P. 12 M W Going to school MS
Nelson Katie 10 F W Going to school MS
Nelson Mattie 8 F W Going to school MS
Nelson Robert 4 M W MS
Nelson Paul 3 M W MS
Nelson Agnes 0.3 F W MS
Fennen John 34 M W Taylor NY
Peterson Peter 55 M W Cook France
161-148 Roux Peter 51 M W Painter France
Roux Euphine 50 F W Keeping house France
Roux Eugenia 16 F W At home MS
Roux Julia 14 F W Going to school MS
162-149 Brandt George 59 M W Ret. Dry goods & hardware Prussia 27000 8000
Brandt Johanna 47 F W Keeping house Baden
Brandt Josephine 20 F W At home LA
Brandt Anna 15 F W Going to school MS
Brandt George 12 M W Going to school MS
Brandt Rebellio 7 F W MS
Wisenburg Charles 19 M W Clerk Switz
163-150 Georget Henry 46 M W Catholic priest France
Folwell Mary 30 F W Servant Ireland
Folwell Mary 0.04 F W MS
Bonpart Joseph 10 M W Going to school LA
Bonpart Catharine 12 F W Going to school LA
Benard Amedia 48 M W Catholic priest France
164-151 Holbats Edward 46 M W Confectioner Poland Poland
Coldell Emma 24 F B Servant AL
Pierre Manda 24 F B Servant AL
Pierre Walter 0.03 M B MS
Travis Green 22 M B Servant MS
165-152 Vincent Mary Sister 35 F W Superior of school Pa
Aloyogus Mary Sister 20 F W Teacher MS
Berchnaus Mary Sister 21 F W Teacher MS
Scholistine Mary Sister 19 F W LA
McMilen Marian 8 F W MS
166-153 Taylor Maria 54 F W Keeping house Ireland 10000 3000
Taylor Joseph H. 20 M W At home MS
Cassidy Christy 49 M W At home Ireland
167-154 Tarkington James 55 M W Dry goods store Tenn. 2000
Cook Norman 50 M W Dry goods store KY
Cook Kate 38 F W Keeping house PA
Cook Clara 19 F W At home LA
Cook Mary 14 F W Going to school LA
Cook Anna 12 F W Going to school LA
Martin John 24 M W Clerk Ind.
Fitzhue Mary 22 F M Servant MD
168-155 Bohne Nicholas 38 M W Shoe maker Hessian 700 250
Bohne Barbara 32 F W Keeping house Switz.
Bohne Josephine 12 F W Going to school LA
Bohne Henry 10 M W Going to school LA
Bohne Martha 8 F W Going to school MS
Bohne George 6 M W MS
Bohne William 3 M W MS
Bohne Anna 2 F W MS
169-156 Saucier David 26 M W Store keeper MS 2500
Saucier Alice 20 F W Keeping house MS
Saucier Arnold 2 M W MS
Barben Josephine 19 F W Servant MS
170-159 Saucier Etiner 22 M W Carter MS 2000 150
Saucier Anna 19 F W Keeping house MS
Saucier Mary 1 F W MS
171-158 Baker Large 50 M B R. R. Laborer AL
Baker Elizabeth 47 F M Keeping house D.C.
173-159 Stowers John 49 M W Carter SC 1500
Flowers Nellie 52 F M Servant NC
175-160 Lassalle Gustave 43 M W Blacksmith France 800
Lassalle Catharine 42 F W Keeping house Hanover
176-161 Tebbins Edward 48 M W Tinner Holstein 1200 300
Tebbins Augusta 39 F W Keeping house Brenan
Tebbins Charles 18 M W At home LA
Tebbins Margaret 15 F W Going to school MS
Tebbins Lucy 13 F W Going to school MS
Tebbins Bertha 11 F W Going to school MS
Tebbins Agnes 6 F W MS
Tebbins August 1 M W MS
177-162 Knost John 56 M W Shoe maker Prussia 2500 300
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