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HH# Last Name First Name Age Gender Race Occupation Birth Cmt. Real Est. Pers. Est.
Patin Herbert 17 M W Student LA PC College
Deveraux Ignatius 15 M W Student LA PC College
Hasam Thomas 18 M W Student LA PC College
Winston W. 19 M W Student AL PC College
McIntire George 10 M W Student LA PC College
Posey Landers 18 M W Student MS PC College
Tieman Richard 17 M W Student Tex. PC College
Tieman James 13 M W Student Tex. PC College
Lund Henry 14 M W Student LA PC College
Bayersdorfer Henry 18 M W Student LA PC College
Brasher Walter 20 M W Student LA PC College
Mansur Joel 16 M W Student LA PC College
Worsham James 16 M W Student Tenn. PC College
Michael Adam 17 M W Student LA PC College
Jodd David 18 M W Student LA PC College
Bell Hampton 13 M W Student Tex. PC College
Silbernagle A. 14 M W Student LA PC College
Rice Lewis 12 M W Student LA PC College
Johnson George 12 M W Student AL PC College
Narnan Patrick 14 M W Student LA PC College
Boyce Benjamin 13 M W Student MS PC College
Castenedo R. 13 M W Student LA PC College
Castenedo Paul 12 M W Student LA PC College
Elder William 16 M W Student MS PC College
Morgan John 12 M W Student MS PC College
Bolio Charles 11 M W Student LA PC College
Belser Willington 18 M W Student ARK PC College
Young John 16 M W Student Tex PC College
Briar A. 14 M W Student LA PC College
Bird Thompson 17 M W Student MS PC College
McClure William 15 M W Student LA PC College
Williams E. 18 M W Student LA PC College
Levy Lewis 18 M W Student LA PC College
Grogan J. P. 20 M W Student LA PC College
Jodd John 21 M W Student LA PC College
Moore Robert 21 M W Student LA PC College
McDonald J. 22 M W Student ARK PC College
Dannell Otto 10 M W Student LA PC College
Hawkins H. 20 M W Student LA PC College
Hays Thomas 10 M W Student LA PC College
Hays Bernard 9 M W Student LA PC College
Soening A. 11 M W Student LA PC College
Lebland Jules 20 M W Student LA PC College
Dillard Edward 17 M W Student AL PC College
Dillard John 16 M W Student AL PC College
White Volny 12 M W Student LA PC College
Barron B. 18 M W Student LA PC College
Dufreme Peter 17 M W Student LA PC College
Whitmore Rubin 16 M W Student LA PC College
Knapp Colby 10 M W Student LA PC College
Dardennee H. 19 M W Student LA PC College
Lattier John 16 M W Student LA PC College
Sullivan Daniel 14 M W Student Tenn. PC College
Woodward O. 13 M W Student LA PC College
Grunewate W. 12 M W Student LA PC College
Meugher John 24 M W Student MS PC College
Davis J. T. 23 M W Student ARK PC College
Ross Robert 24 M W Student ARK PC College
Deblieux A. 18 M W Student LA PC College
Costa Alexander 14 M W Student LA PC College
Laycock Samuel 18 M W Student LA PC College
Corkery George 14 M W Student LA PC College
Legure Homes 17 M W Student LA PC College
Arrington John 14 M W Student ARK PC College
Arrington Archibato 10 M W Student ARK PC College
Ticke Henry 16 M W Student LA PC College
Gano Nicholas 16 M W Student Mex. PC College
Bangre Horace 8 M W Student LA PC College
Dent Henry 19 M W Student MS PC College
McLeon F. G. 19 M W Student LA PC College
O'Hara Dennis 12 M W Student NY PC College
Murphy James 15 M W Student NY PC College
Capdepond Charles 38 M W Cook France PC College
Escude Gabriel 22 M W Asst. Cook France PC College
Ragon John 48 M W Baker France PC College
Johnson George 41 M W Servant Denmark PC College
Farrell M. 38 M W Servant Ireland PC College
Meechan James 25 M W Servant LA PC College
Bowles James 12 M W Servant MS PC College
Moore Mike 36 M W Servant Ireland PC College
Howard Alexander 31 M B Servant MS PC College
Alsey Henry 25 M B Servant MS PC College
Wallis Mary 44 F W House keeper Ireland PC College
Teeker Mary 48 F W Infermarian Ireland PC College
King Mary 36 F W Servant Ireland PC College
Nunan Catie 40 F W Servant Ireland PC College
Gilbert Jane 39 F W Servant Ireland PC College
Williams Mary 37 F W Servant MS PC College
Dennis Jane 42 F W Servant Ireland PC College
Chamboni P. 37 F W Servant France PC College
34-32 Tholbert William 60 M B Laborer D.C.
Tholbert Dianna 55 F B Keeping house SC
35-33 Ross Jefferson 30 M M Laborer Tenn.
36-34 Lewis Martha 70 F W Keeping house England 900
Lewis Joseph 37 M W Seaman England
Lewis Mary 35 F W At home Ireland
Lewis Harriet 15 F W Going to school MS
Lewis Joseph 13 M W Going to school MS
Lewis Martha 11 F W Going to school MS
Lewis Mary 5 F W At home MS
Lewis Laura 3 F W At home MS
Lewis John 0.07 M M At home MS
37-35 Robertson Line 50 F B Keeping house VA
McCray Eliza 30 F B At home VA
Robertson Estella 17 F M At home MS
39-36 Sill Angeline 45 F W Keeping house AL 2000
Sill George 18 M W Going to school MS
Sill Sallie 15 F W Going to school MS
41-37 Howard T. Gibson 40 M B R. R. Laborer KY 250
Howard Hester 40 F B Keeping house N.C.
Belfred Curtis 30 M B R. R. Laborer AL 250
Gency Daycy 60 F B At home VA
42-38 Brown William 50 M B Laborer VA 500
Brown Lucy 38 F M Keeping house MS
Brown Melton 12 M M MS
Brown Nellie 10 F M MS
Brown William 5 M M MS 500
Brown Walter 1 M M MS
43-39 McCalister B. F. 35 M W Drayman GA 250
McCalister Ann 4 F W Keeping house Ireland
Heislip Samuel 22 M W Clerking England
Heislip Maggie 19 F W At home England
44-40 Parker Edmund 48 M M Laborer VA
Toote David 35 M B Laborer MS
45-41 Gammill Martha 45 F W Keeping house SC 2500
Gammill Amanda 17 F W At home MS
Gammill James 14 M W At home MS
Gammill Charles 12 M W At home MS
Gammill Florence 9 M W At home
46-42 Farlon Ann 69 F W Keeping house Ireland 500
Farlon Ellen 35 F W At home Ireland
Farlon Ann 29 F W At home Ireland
Farlon Thomas 13 M W Going to school
47-43 McDonald Charles 50 M W Brick mason Ireland 1000
McDonald Catherine 35 F W Keeping house Ireland
McDonald Pierce 16 M W Brick mason MS
McDonald Anna 13 F W Going to school MS
McDonald William 10 M W Going to school MS
McDonald John 8 M W Going to school MS
McDonald George 5 M W
McDonald Caroline 3 F W MS
McDonald Alexander 0.09 M W
48-44 Howard Alexander 27 M B Laborer MS
Howard Harriet 24 F M Keeping house MS
Howard Cecilia 2 F M MS
Howard William 9 M M
49-45 Courtney Talma 29 M W Retail grocer MS 250
Courtney Nancy 20 F W Keeping House MS
52-46 Capers Albert 25 M M Carpenter MS 300
Capers Martha 22 F F Keeping house LA
53-47 Holmes Wiley 40 M M Carpenter VA 300
Holmes Wise 35 F M Keeping house VA
Holmes Anna 11 F M Going to school MS
54-48 Ryans Susan 36 F B Keeping house VA
Ryans Antoni 4 M B LA
Ryans James 1 M B LA
Richardson H. 32 F M At home MD
54-49 Gangcoff George 38 M W Wagoner France 600 200
Gangcoff Susanna 31 F W Keeping house Baden
Gangcoff Anna 8 F W Going to school MS
Gangcoff Emilie 3 F W LA
Gangcoff Mary 0.08 F W MS
Marchand C. 50 M W France
55-50 Reynolds Gilbert 39 M M Laborer MS
Reynolds Trudy 29 F M Keeping house VA
Reynolds Jane 12 F M MS
Reynolds Margaret 10 F M MS
Reynolds Robert 7 M M MS
Reynolds Wine 5 F M MS
Reynolds Estella 3 F M MS
56-51 Chalmus Sharper 46 M B R. R. Laborer VA
Chalmus Amelia 29 F B Keeping house MS
Chalmus Thomas 13 M B Going to school MS
Chalmus Emma 9 F B MS
Chalmus Lewis 4 M B MS
57-52 McKay Washington 27 M M Carpenter AL 100
McKay Fanny 21 F M Keeping house MS
McKay Toliver 10 M M MS
McKay Isabelle 9 F M MS
McKay Lee 6 M M MS
McKay Maria 3 F M MS
McKay Washington 1 M M MS
McKay Dressy 70 F B At home S.C.
McKay Rhody 19 F M At home AL
McKay Mary Jane 16 F M At home AL
58-53 Dobson Stephen 30 M B Mattrass maker MD
Dobson Hester 49 F B Keeping house VA
-54 Prilham Jackson 72 M B Laborer VA
Prilham Fanny 40 F B Keeping house VA
Prilham Rosa 15 F M Going to school MS
59-55 Ford Lea 68 F W Keeping house England
Ford Israel 35 M W Musician England
Ford Anna 27 F W At home LA
Ford Henry 2 M W MS
60-56 McCalister A. 56 M W Laborer SC 800
McCalister Serina 56 F W Keeping house SC
McCalister John 23 M W Laborer MS
McCalister Kinson 15 M W Laborer MS
McCalister Josephine 12 F W Going to school MS
61-57 Hart Thomas B. 47 M W Lawyer KY 4000 1500
Hart Aurora 33 F W Keeping house LA
Hart Eda 16 F W At home LA
Hart Irwin 14 M W Going to school LA
Hart Fannie 12 F W Going to school LA
Hart Aurora 11 F W Going to school LA
Hart Thomas B. 7 M W Going to school LA
Hart M. Guyose 4 M W MD
Covington Monroe 20 M M Servant MS
63-58 Dimitry Alexander 66 M W Prof. In college LA 1900 250
Dimitry Mary 54 F W Keeping house MD
Dimitry Robert 21 M W Going to school LA
Dimitry Thomas 19 M W Going to school LA
Meekins D. 14 F M Servant VA
64-59 Metcalf S.J. 45 F W Cotton plantress MS 20000
Metcalf Isabelle 16 F W Going to school MS
Metcalf Robert 12 M W Going to school MS
Metcalf Anna 10 F W Going to school MS
Metcalf Sallie 6 F W MS
Young M. A. 33 F W At home MS
O'Connell Margaret 35 F W Servant Ireland
Walker Ester 55 F B Servant KY
Howard Gibney 25 M B Servant KY
Walker Jerry 60 M B Servant KY
Ryans Susan 6 F B LA
Mc Colister James 4 M W MS
Dimitry Matilda 23 F W At home LA
65-60 Richards August 50 M W Corn. Hanover Ger. 30000 5000
Richards Blanche 25 F W Keeping house LA
Richards Morris 1 M W LA
Beady Grey 45 F B Servant MD
Soly Josephine 23 F M Servant LA
Perri Eliah 30 M M Servant LA
Perri Isabella 28 F M Servant LA
Piere Nellie 5 F M At home LA
Bertran Eugene 22 M M Servant LA
66-61 Reid Mary L. 61 F W Keeping house NY
Wheelock Laura 13 F W Going to school LA
Wheelock Mary. 12 F W Going to school LA
Dromgate Bridget 40 F W Servant NY
Ethun Ellen 16 F M Servant MS
67-62 Jurey Lewis C. 50 M W Com merchant VA
Jurey Mary 35 F W Keeping house AL
Jurey Lewis 15 M W Going to school AL
Jurey Laura 13 F W Going to school AL
Jurey Florence 8 F W Going to school AL
Picket Mary 9 F W Going to school AL
Connelly Ann 40 F W Seamstress Ireland
Brickley Timothy 50 M W Gardener Ireland
Jones Nicholas 30 M B Laborer AL
Jones Melinda 25 F B Servant SC
68-63 Smith George N. 61 M W Physician NC
Smith Seigmora P. 58 F W Keeping house VA
Smith Harriet M. 20 F W At home MS
Smith Seigmora M. 11 F W Going to school TX
Grant Malcomb 14 M W Going to school MS
Ludwigsen Julia 18 F W Going to school LA
Johnson Feline 24 F M Servant LA
Johnson Emma 5 F M At home LA
Johnson Georgiana 0.08 F M At home LA
Johnson Leon 10 M M At home LA
Johnson Sidney 13 F M At home LA
70-64 Holt David 78 M W Physician VA 4000
Holt Julietta 61 F W Keeping house MS
Holt Sarah 25 F W At home MS
Holt Bella 19 F W At home MS
Holt Rebecca 15 F W Going to school MS
Holt David E. 24 M W At home MS
Holt Edith 21 F W At home MS
Holt Jane 0.05 F W MS
72-65 Norwell Lewis C. 38 M W Cotton broker AL
Norwell Sarah 32 F W Keeping house Tenn.
Norvell Lewis G. 14 M W Going to school MS
Norvell Susan 11 F W Going to school MS
Norvell Sanders 5 M W Going to school Canada
Norvell Luln 4 F W At home LA
Levy Anna 23 F W Servant Ireland
Mitchell Daniel 55 M B Laborer SC
Mitchell Charity 52 F B Servant VA
Mitchell Alice 10 F B Servant LA
Martin Henry 12 M B Servant MS
Smith Fannie 39 F B Servant AL
73-66 Torrain Martha 48 F W Cotton Plantress Ireland 10000
Morris Lilia 25 F W At home Ireland
Torrain Charles T. 12 M W Going to school LA
74-67 Heirn Finley 60 M W Ret. From business N.Y. 20000 26000
Heirn Eliza 48 F W Keeping house NY
Heirn Eliza 22 F W At home MS
Heirn Charles 21 M W At home MS
Cammell Youck 62 M M Servant LA
Cammell Laura 53 F M Servant KY
Johnson Odith 14 F M Servant LA
75-68 Finley Lewis A. 55 M W Retire merchant MD
Finley Lydia 48 F W Keeping house MD 2000
Finley Leonora 30 F W At home LA
Finley Lewis A. 28 M W At home LA
Finley Jane M. 21 F W At home LA
Finley Lydia R. 19 F W At home LA
Finley William 16 M W Going to school MS
Finley Ridgley 15 M W Going to school MS
Finley Mary W. 13 F W At home MS
Finley Isabella B. 11 F W At home MS
Lee Sophy 55 F B Servant VA
76-69 Handberry Marian 44 F W Wash woman Ireland
Handberry Amanda 12 F W Going to school LA
Handberry Marian 13 F W Going to school LA
Handberry Matilda 9 F W LA
77-70 Theaer George 25 M M Laborer AL
Theaer Ellen 20 F M Keeping house MS
Theaer Dania 0.1 F M MS
78-71 Leory George 73 M W Ret. From business England 6000
Gann Mary 28 F W House keeper AL
79-72 Raymond Frank 29 M M Laborer LA
Raymond Eliza 24 F M Keeping house AL
Lane Oscar 25 M M Laborer MS
80-73 Elintirius Panayots 55 M W Cook Greece 250
Elintirius Martha 39 F W Keeping house MS
Elintirius Thimostocles 10 M W Going to school MS
Elintirius Ellen 5 F W MS
Elintirius Leondas 3 F W MS
81-74 Mays Joseph 30 M M Laborer AL 250
Mays Catharine 26 F M Keeping house VA
Mays Madison 14 M M Laborer MS
Mays Alexander 25 M M R. R. Laborer AL
Mays Margaret 25 M M At home AL
Mays Elizabeth 9 F M MS
Jackson Cressey 45 F M GA
Nash Fannie 20 F M MS
82-75 Rigo George 48 M W Gardener Greece 700
Rigo Francis 48 F W Keeping house France
83-76 Reese John 41 M B Carter VA 200
Reese Mary 49 F B Keeping house VA
Reese Antoinette 16 F B At home MS
Furgen Lewis 29 M M R. R. Laborer MS
Furgen Sally A. 27 F M AL
Furgen Louis 1 M M MS
Furgen Marian 3 F M MS
Thomas George 16 M B MS
Marshall Delida 0.03 F B MS
84-77 Gelse Susan 46 F W Keeping house DEL. 5000
Bayersdoffer Lenard 52 M W Musician Bavaria Barvaria Ger.
Bayersdoffer Barbara 46 F W Barvaria Ger.
Northrop Absolum 32 M W Dentist LA
Northrop Helena 25 F W MS 10000
Nubel Henry 64 M W Towboat pilot Hanover Ger. 7000
Flanders Wattis 28 M W Civil Engineer NY
Palood Peter 22 M M Cook MS
Morgan Peggy 22 F M Servant MS
Morgan Robert 0.11 M M MS
Burr Richard 17 M M Servant MS
85-78 Curen Ellen 56 F W Keeping house Ireland 4000
Curen Daniel 32 M W Clerk NY
Curran Mary 28 F W At home LA
Curran John 27 M W Hardware clerk LA
Curran Ellen 25 F W At home LA
Curran Catharine 22 F W At home MS
87-79 Johnson Charles 51 M W Light house kpr. LA 2000
Johnson Nellia 45 F W Keeping house Norway-
89-80 Nicovich Peter 37 M W Retail liquor Denmark 250
Nicovich Nicholas 11 M W At home MS
Nicovich Peter 3 M W MS
Sekichs Paul 50 M W Laborer Austria
Seris Frank 24 M W Laborer Italy
Seris Catharine 20 F W Ger.
Lewis Frank 36 M W Fisherman Austria
Sirwalle Charles 35 M W Seaman Italy
Pinco Francisco 30 M W Seaman Italy
Gaseon John 31 M W Seaman Italy
Bonell C. 60 F W France
90-81 Hyland Lawrence 51 M W Confectioner Ireland
Hyland Elizabeth 48 F W Keeping house Ireland
91-82 Hart Bartholimen 64 M W Gardener Ireland 2000 200
Hart Ellen 64 F W Keeping house Ireland
92-83 St. Armand Emilie 54 M M Retail liquor LA 2000 200
St. Armand Rosa 54 F M Keeping house MS
St. Armand La Comter 26 M M Barber MS
St. Armand Clement 21 M M At home MS
St. Armand Edward 19 M M At home MS
St. Armand Emelia 13 F M Going to school MS
St. Armand Alcelia 12 F M Going to school MS
St. Armand Caroline 10 F M Going to school MS
St. Armand Armand 7 M M MS
93-84 Ewing Blanche 35 F W Dress maker Ireland
Bagley Mary 12 F W Going to school AL
Bagley Frank 8 M W Going to school AL
Bagley Niel 5 M W AL
94-85 Cosby Robert 49 M W Sadler Ireland 2800 300
Cosby Eliza 42 F W Keeping house Ireland 300
Cosby Marian 19 F W At home LA
Cosby Eliza 7 F W Going to school MS
Cosby Margaret 5 F W At home MS
Cosby Susan 4 F W At home MS
Cosby Arthur 1 M W At home MS
95-86 Manders William 58 M W Boarding house Ireland 6000 1500
Manders Jane 42 F W Keeping house Ireland
Manders Katie 19 F W At home MS
Manders Maggie 15 F W At home MS
Manders Annette 12 F W Going to school MS
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